Syrian refugees who come to Canada next week will arrive at one of the most beautiful times of the year. As I look out the window onto Bloor Street, the Christmas lights are just beginning to show. And last weekend I was in Northern Ontario where the ground was covered with the first snow — the softly flocked trees shimmered in the sunshine. It was vividly beautiful and juxtaposed against the violence taking place around the world, it was a peaceful and serene reminder of just how blessed we are to be citizens of this extraordinary country. Our homes are warm and cozy, the shops down below us are filled with luxuries these refugees cannot even imagine. And in just a few weeks our tables will be loaded with the glorious Christmas feast — how wonderful that this will be the first holiday season so many refugees will experience in their new home.
I am not sure what this ramble has to do with PR and communications. But if we could offer one key message to all Canadians it would be to join together in extending a hearty welcome to these newcomers. It is after all the Canadian way.