The CBC called me yesterday to ask me if RBC could survive the current outsourcing scandal. The sad reality is that despite the public outcry, it really is like a flea biting the backside of an elephant. Still, the big banks like to posture as good corporate citizens so let’s see what happens. For more on my comments to CBC go to http://www.cbc.ca/news/business/story/2013/04/10/f-rbc-pr-financial-effects.html
On another note, I had no sooner completed yesterday’s blog about trying to view art virtually, than the Globe’s Life & Arts section today trumpeted “How not to look at Manet” commenting on the most recent attempt to mimic the Metropolitan Opera series – which I love by the way – by bringing major art exhibits to the big screen. In the ensuing article James Adams explains why Impressionism doesn’t translate to the big screen.
The first attempt at this virtual art programming was the once-in-a-lifetime exhibit of the existing works of Leonardo Da Vinci at the National Gallery in London last year. I was fortunate enough to see the real thing thanks to my intrepid sister-in-law who lined up at 6 a.m. for rush seats to the sold-out show. Clearly these film programs provide a useful experience for those who can’t get to the shows — but for some things, the virtual just can’t capture the magic of reality.
I am currently reading Ross King’s “The Last Supper” which is a wonderful companion piece to the London exhibit. I bought a big catalogue of Da Vinci’s work to pour over while I read. Funny because in many respects for me, as for many people, the Mona Lisa was a bit of a let down the first time I saw it. After all the hype, it is just so small and dark. But seeing Da Vinci, as King portrays him, as the revolutionary he was, really creates a new appreciation for his genius. And I say, to all the kids finishing PR programs this spring, before you lock in on your career, get out to see the world you can never hope to experience on your phone and for inspiration, make sure you put some art museums high on your list!