I have been silent for a few months — has anyone noticed? It’s been a crazy time. We moved a few floors in our building — and I made an interesting discovery. Five floors, five hundred miles, the disruption is the same. But here we are settled — well sort of — in our new digs. We’ve finally got most of the boxes unpacked, the phones are working, the website has been updated and we have new stationery. Still waiting for the cable guy to come back but I am sure that will happen soon. And the good news is that I don’t think our clients noticed the blip. We still managed to nail several deadlines and welcomed one new client — Colorado Tourism Office partnering up with The Kai Group to represent the spectacular state of Colorado in Canada.
All in all, it’s been a year of big changes for us. A few key people moved on and others joined the team. And a few clients have also introduced new management with different expectations. Generally, I tend not to enjoy change — at least initially. I hate saying good-byes and adjusting to new habits and expectations can be challenging. There was a hollow sense of sadness as I made the final checks in the old office to ensure nothing had been left behind. I try not to show it, but I am aware that at some visceral level there is a kind of clenching up each time I am hit by surprise. I blame it on my place in the astrological charts. Scorpios are one of a handful of fixed signs;) It hasn’t been easy for us, living through a sustained period where change has become the new norm.
Still I am teaching myself to embrace all these moving milestones as a way to grow. And for the most part it has all been positive. There was something very therapeutic about clearing out the detritus of an office that had been our home since I started the company. And new space has given us all a surge of energy and rebirth. New people bring fresh ideas and an exciting new dynamic. So here we are in Suite 1200 at 77 Bloor Street West, with more room, elegant glass walls and a view right off the elevator. You can’t miss the Jesson sign and we do hope you will pass by. We are open for business!